We love what we do and we do it with passion.
A Perfect Storm Brands are living in an age of chaos and indifference. We’re expanding into a multi-channel, real-time world; yet consumers are more ambivalent and distrusting than ever. Most organisations recognize the need for a clear statement of their ‘Purpose,’ the organising thought to focus activity and give people a reason to care. But while plenty of attention has been paid to Purpose in theory, far less has been done about Purpose in practice. We shape culture not by reflecting it, but by setting the agenda. We realise Purpose not by jumping on a safe bandwagon, but by tackling difficult issues and igniting the heat in the conversation. Purpose means nothing on paper. It’s deeds, not words. To credibly put it into practice you need to be a Purposeful Pioneer. Be useful or be obsolete. Today business has access to more data and more processing power than at any other time in history. But at the same time, traditional marketing methods have far less influence over consumers than ever they had. So today is an explosively fragmented, rapidly changing, data-driven, always-on, always-accessible, converging, real-time, omni-channel connected world in which consumers (who will no longer pay a premium for something they know to be made-up and unreal) are in charge as never before. It demands a new kind of approach.